30th October 2013
To: The Embassy of Israel,
Marathonodromon 1
15452 Athens.
Re: Request for action
On Sunday 27th October, accompanied by two other Greek Orthodox clergymen, I was walking across the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. Entering the Batei Mahse Square, we were surrounded by about one hundred boys from the local Yeshiva, who screamed abuse at us, spat on us, and chased us from the square. Unfortunately this is not an isolated event, and, as a regular visitor to Jerusalem, I and other Christian clergymen are often spat on by Yeshiva students, particularly in the area of the Jaffa Gate. It is obvious that ordinary children would not behave in this way unless they were taught to do so, thus we do not blame the boys for this disgusting behaviour, but their teachers.
As a Jew myself according to the Law (being the son of a Jewish mother) I am deeply ashamed by the behaviour of my own people. Can you imagine the justified outcry if Rabbis were regularly abused and spat on by schoolchildren in Christian countries? Above all from Jews, who have the experience of living for hundreds of years in countries where they were despised, I expect civilized behaviour to those of other faiths.
I would therefore request you to pass on my complaint to the Israeli Ministry of Education, so that finally the Yeshiva teachers can be instructed not to teach their pupils to spit on Christian clergymen. Such behaviour contributes neither to the good name of the Israeli state, nor to that of the Jewish faith.
+Ambrose, Bishop of Methoni
Poznámka: facka spratkovi, o které jsem psal svého času na Sprše evidentně nestačila. Mládež Ovadii Josefa se se svým postojem ke gójskému dobytku, nota bene křesťanskému duchovenstvu, vůbec netají. Zcela případná otázka biskupa Ambrože: co by se asi stalo, kdyby někde žáci nějaké školy plivali na rabíny?
Holt jiná kultura. Docela dobrý bývá princip reciprocity, ale kdo by se snižoval na jejich úroveň, žejo.
OdpovědětVymazatTo by se u nas v Yeshive nikdy nestalo Vodniku. Nevim kam na ty povidacky chodite. A ze zrovna v predvecer 75 vyroci kristalove noci... To bude asi opravdu nejaky stret civilisaci, orthodoxni a zapadni zidokrestanske.
OdpovědětVymazatTo bude asi opravdu nejaky stret civilisaci, orthodoxni a zapadni zidokrestanske.
VymazatMyslíte to plivání? Aha. A která ta kultura je orthodoxní a která židokřesťanská?